Choosing the right PNP program when EE is too far to reach
I. Introduction: EE cut-off score trends (10 min)
A. typical scores for someone with no Canadian education and no Canadian experience
B. typical scores for someone with some Canadian education but no Canadian experience
C. typical scores for someone with some Canadian education but no Canadian experience
D. discuss feasibility – getting the points required
II. Demonstration of the points calculators for PNPs (20 min)
III. Discuss PNP programs that do not require a job offer (20 min)
A. discuss feasibility
IV. Discuss PNP programs that require a job offer (30 min)
A. compare scores of a few mock clients across provinces
B. What NOC does each province like the best?
C. discuss feasibility
V. Dealing with clients who say they will do “anything” and go “anywhere”? (10 min)
VI. Conclusion: Beyond EE & the PNPs, what other options exist? (10 min)
C. MNPs? – will that finally become a reality in 2023?
VII. Q&A (20 min)