Clarification on Common-Law Relationship Documentation for PR under CEC

Homepage Forums Express Entry System Clarification on Common-Law Relationship Documentation for PR under CEC

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  • #3331
    Jiaxin Ling


    I would like to inquire about a case where the principal applicant, A, is applying for PR under the CEC stream and is planning to marry B soon. Two years ago, A was in a common-law relationship with C and had supported C’s SOWP at that time.

    Do we need to provide any legal document to confirm that A and C’s common-law relationship ended more than a year ago? Or is it sufficient to simply indicate the relationship details in the application forms, specifying the start and end dates (YYYYMMDD)?

    Would a separation agreement or any other supporting document be required to verify the end of the common-law relationship, or is this not necessary for Express Entry? We plan to submit A and B’s marriage certificate after their wedding, along with the common-law declaration that A and C previously provided when applying for the SOWP.

    Thank you for your guidance.

    Al Parsai

    Generally speaking, there is no need for any documentation. However, I highly advise to include some documentation (an affidavit or some end-of-relationship agreement).

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