Deemed Rehabilitated

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  • #2970
    Wisdom Akpokighe

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have any case law to use in support of an applicant that is deemed rehabilitated and wants to come to Canada?

    Thank you

    Al Parsai

    Hi Wisdom,

    Generally speaking, deemed rehabilitation falls under R18(2). There are not many case laws related to deemed rehabilitation, but consider the following: Bello v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2023 FC 1094

    Finally, please read my article on this topic:

    Deemed Rehabilitated in Canada – Deemed Rehabilitation

    If you are dealing with a complicated case, consider co-counselling with me or booking a mentorship session.

    Good Luck

    Wisdom Akpokighe

    Hi Al,

    Thank you for the prompt response. I read through your article and it was very helpful. I will reach out to you if I need further help.


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