Minor out-of-status

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  • #2954
    Mahdis Amirnejad

    Daer Al,

    A minor’s parents did not know that they needed to apply for VR for their minor. Since the restoration period has passed, what is the best course of action?

    Option 1) Apply for TRP and SP from inside Canada. (Does it take long? Should the minor stop studying while waiting for the decision?)

    Option 2) Returning to their home country (Iran), re-entering after a few days, and requesting a VR at the POE.

    Thank you

    Edith I Okoye

    I will recommend option 1 – Apply for TRP and SP from inside Canada.

    Mahdis Amirnejad

    Thank you, but the minor cannot continue studying while waiting for the decision, and it may take a long time. Am I correct?

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