OINP – Employer Job Offer Stream – Nomination Approved – new Employer

Homepage Forums Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) OINP – Employer Job Offer Stream – Nomination Approved – new Employer

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  • #2629
    Dicle Kursun

    Dear All, I have a client who has received today OINP nomination certificate for Employer Job Offer- International student stream. Unfortunately, he had to change his employer and has recently started with a new employer for the same NOC code and employer is inline with oinp employer criteria. His EOI score with new employer is above the minimum EOI score of oinp ITA. Is it possible to request oinp to have the approved oinp certificate continue with the new employer since his employment conditions are similar with same NOC code selected for the oinp targeted draw and his score decreased 3 points but above ITA min EOI score. His new employer is eager to support him to continue his oinp application. Do you have any similar experience to share with me? I kindly request your thoughts about best course of action to proceed with the above situation. I would like to write oinp and request their approval to continue ircc pr application with recently issued oinp nomination certificate for the above conditions with new job offer and employer form signed by the new employer.
    Best Regards,
    Dicle Kursun

    Edith I Okoye

    Hi Dicle,

    First of all, request that the new employer fills up the OINP Employer form. Get an employment reference letter and payslips from th nw employer. Then, write a detailed submission letter to OINP detailing these facts and the willingness of the new employer to support your client. And that OINP should issue a new nomination/job support letter, etc based on these new facts (after nomination) as you want the details of the nomination be transferred to the new employer.

    You can contact OINP via their webform here – https://www.ontarioimmigration.gov.on.ca/oinp_index/resources/app/home/index.html#!/en/c1 and upload the documents. Select “I need to provide an update to the OINP after receiving a nomination” as the enquiry type and follow the prompts.

    I have never seen this before but hope that this method works.

    Kind regards

    Edith Okoye.

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